Sunday, June 25, 2023

In Search of Something Else

 In Search of Something Else

The love that passed you by 

is not your source of misery

Nor the paths you could not try

that cause you to be unhappy

Neither parties that you've missed

Nor the ones you've never kissed

No self imposed, failed test

could yield such profound unrest.

They're not the foundation of your stinging pain

Nor the sorrows tallied in your sullen ledgermain

For in truth, a deeper reality and beyond exists

In this space here, dwells peace and serenity persists

Relax into yourself for it's near as can be

When all is removed then what do we see?

The source is never separate and never can be far

How could it be, it's in fact who you are.

Abandon memories of a self and all of its stories

Jettison your deeds, your image, your mind, your glories.

This place, above all, is silent and is still

Leave at the door, all false masks and your will.

Beyond the threshold --all that which is true

Discover here that which is simply, wholly, you.

A you unbounded vast and fully free

A you, that is we, expressed as mystery

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