Friday, May 12, 2023


It can all break.

None of us is so solid we won't fracture. 

Each has their shatter point

the point beyond which, we snap.

but do not fear.

always there is a part beyond breaking

I ask, how much emptiness lies between the stars

how much space is even between the smallest particles

Science says relative miles separate the nucleus from electrons.

There is always more space, nothingness, than solidity.

Try breaking emptiness.

Connect with space and be not distracted by the objects

For it is not a nihilistic emptiness

It is the emptiness of potential, pure kineticism

the power of birth and death and all that's in between, 

an active nothingness, a cradle of love and compassion.

This space is our home, birthright, universe.

We are but stardust rearranged again and again

and that is beautiful.

Fear not the fissures, the fractures 

for this is where the light shines through,

and we are light.

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