My sister in law who makes tasty special vegetarian dishes just for me.
My own sister who I love with all my heart who lives so far away I often ache.
A world that is filled with staggering beauty.
Wonderful thanksgiving smells
A beautiful and smiling wife.
Night skys with stars so bountiful one is dizzied by space.
A Mom and Dad who love unabashedly
Leaping lizards - Geckos in this specific case.
Water, crystal clear pools, britta drinking, a canal with fish, hottubs
Beloved people who live in Seattle
A strong and vibrant father in law
Watching my son fish for the first time.
A friend in DC who I am hoping got a good meal and warm bed tonight.
The dearest college friends for whom I would do anything and who have seen my highs and lows
Misty dog, blackie dog, butchy dog, obi dog.
Aria, Coda, Tessie
A & T They are awesome.
Generosity itself and how it manifests in so many ways